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A Man Who Traps Wild Animals Is Called

Animal Trapping: A Controversial Practice

What is Animal Trapping?

Animal trapping is a process where animals are caught using devices such as traps or snares. These devices can be lethal or non-lethal, and are typically designed to capture the animal alive or kill it outright.

Trapping Methods

There are various methods used for animal trapping, including:

  • Leghold traps: These traps grip the animal's leg, causing pain and potential injury.
  • Snares: These devices tighten around the animal's neck when it pulls on a trigger, leading to strangulation or death.
  • Cage traps: These traps are designed to capture the animal alive, usually for relocation or scientific research purposes.

Purpose of Trapping

Animal trapping is used for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Pest control: To remove animals that are considered nuisances or threats to livestock or property.
  • Hunting: To capture animals for sport or food.
  • Wildlife management: To regulate animal populations or study their behavior.
  • Research: To collect data and samples for scientific research on animal ecology and conservation.

Ethical Concerns

Animal trapping has sparked significant ethical concerns among animal rights activists and wildlife conservationists. Critics argue that trapping can cause immense suffering to animals, as they may be left injured or trapped for prolonged periods. They also point to the indiscriminate nature of trapping, which can lead to the capture of non-target species, including endangered or protected animals.
